Gut– An instinct or intuition; an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale. Our gut can also be called our source, our God Self. Our gut as I define it here is energized, or guided by our soul – the immortal essence of our being, or our “energy”
We have all experienced when we go with our gut the results are on point, when we go against our gut, we regret and lean from it.  Trust your gut, it is always correct!

Ego– The ego or “false self” as I define it, is the part of conciseness which attempts to protect us emotionally.  The ego is concerned with protecting us in THIS moment and has no concern for how this will make us feel tomorrow or in the future.  This is called the false self as the ego tries to make the “self” something other that its truth.

Build out glossary and include terms above. I want the glossary to highlight words on my website like prior and link back to the glossary section.